Mood: blue
Well, I have returned from Las Vegas and LA, two fabulous Stones shows...and quite possibly the last two shows of the North American Bigger Bang Tour for me. I have seen 19 shows so far this tour, and I hope to see at least one more in Europe...hopefully more than one. But, with 2 shows left in the US as of tonight...Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday and Radio City Music Hall on Tuesday, this looks like it may be it for me. It's always depressing when your "own" tour comes to an end, no matter how fabulous it was. From the press conference in May '05 until March '06 there was always a "next one" to look forward to...but now, "what's next?" is more like it.
I'd like to thank the following people from the bottom of my heart, without whom this tour's many adventures & souvenirs would not have been possible:
Shelley, Elizabeth & Cindy at SLO
Bill Bolton & Keith Richards
Blondie Chaplin
Tim Ries
Chuck Leavell
Tony Russell
Preston Snyder
Clive Haynes
My partner in crime, "E"
And anyone else I forgot to mention specifically!
Posted by blue_lena
at 10:40 PM EST