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Thoughts on The Rolling Stones 2003-2024
Saturday, 29 April 2006
Get Well Soon Keith...and Stay Out of The Trees!
Mood:  accident prone
Keith seems to have this habit of falling off/out of things when on break from tours. Remember the infamous library incident during Bridges to Babylon when he broke a few ribs falling off the ladder in his library? Hey Keith, maybe climbing is NOT for you man! So, now, being on break in Fiji, at an exclusive resort there, Keith climbs a palm tree (after a coconut perhaps?), and apparently has fallen and suffered a concussion. Keith! Don't scare us like that. You know what that does to your fans when we read unconfirmed reports from new media in Fiji saying "Stones Guitarist Hospitalized". Jeez. You have a European Tour to start in mere 28 days! Anyway, I wish you Keith darling the best, and hope you recover speedily from your concussion and that you received no additional injuries. Keith is said to be in a hospital in New Zealand as a precaution, with Patti by his side. Talk some sense into your husband Patti...climbing coconut trees...oh my.

Posted by blue_lena at 6:39 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 5 April 2006
RIP Nikki Sudden
Mood:  sad
Nikki Sudden died in NYC last Sunday at the young age of 49. He had just finished a show at the Knitting Factory the evening before. At least he was doing what he loved, playing music. I did not know Nikki well, in fact I had only met him twice in person and we corresponded by email. We met in London in 1999 outside the record shop were we were queueing for Stones tickets to the secret club gig at Shepherd's Bush Empire. Then again in 2003 in Amsterdam where he was busking at the Leidseplein before the Stones show. He was a Keith Richards fan. He was a member of Stones Planet fan club and received our fanzine. He was a brilliant songwriter and musician who never got the recognition he deserved. His last album Treasure Island was superb-Mick Taylor and Ian MacLagan guested on it. I had fully hoped to finally catch one of his live gigs once he made it back to the US. He made it back, then he died. I never got to see him play. Sad. My condolences to his parents, who also lost their other son, a musician, Nikki's brother, Epic Sountracks, in 1997. Maybe Nikki and Epic are jamming together now. The music lives on, we only wish we'd have gotten to hear a lot more of it made. Thanks for touching my life with your music Nikki. I listened to Treasure Island in the car all week..stay bruised, stay beautiful. RIP.

Posted by blue_lena at 9:29 PM EDT
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Friday, 10 March 2006
This Place Is Empty...
Mood:  blue
Well, I have returned from Las Vegas and LA, two fabulous Stones shows...and quite possibly the last two shows of the North American Bigger Bang Tour for me. I have seen 19 shows so far this tour, and I hope to see at least one more in Europe...hopefully more than one. But, with 2 shows left in the US as of tonight...Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday and Radio City Music Hall on Tuesday, this looks like it may be it for me. It's always depressing when your "own" tour comes to an end, no matter how fabulous it was. From the press conference in May '05 until March '06 there was always a "next one" to look forward to...but now, "what's next?" is more like it.

I'd like to thank the following people from the bottom of my heart, without whom this tour's many adventures & souvenirs would not have been possible:

Shelley, Elizabeth & Cindy at SLO

Bill Bolton & Keith Richards

Blondie Chaplin

Tim Ries

Chuck Leavell

Tony Russell

Preston Snyder

Clive Haynes

My partner in crime, "E"

And anyone else I forgot to mention specifically!

Posted by blue_lena at 10:40 PM EST
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Friday, 10 February 2006
ATLANTA well worth the trip!
Mood:  a-ok
Well, despite the difficulty of getting on a plane and flying to Atlanta and turning around and flying back home in a total of 28 hours, it was WELL worth it!

Work was a bit grim this morning, but I struggled through. Anything for the Stones right?

The Atlanta show was awesome. Hearing "Sway" and "Worried About You" back to back and for the first time for me this tour made the show well worth the trip. We had a blast. Thanks to Cathy for the 5th row center seats, it was fun sitting with the "schnowzer sisters", hahahaha.

Special thanks once again to my friend Bill-you make every show special for us. And thanks to Keith for once again wearing the silver sequined belt I had given him in Chicago-it looked way cool baby!

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need!

There are only TWO things I need yet...a photo of me with Keith and an in person signature on a photo of Keith wearing one of my scarves or something. Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind...

Posted by blue_lena at 8:19 PM EST
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Tuesday, 7 February 2006
Off to Atlanta for Stones show #17 of the tour
Mood:  cool
The Steelers are the World Champions! The welcome home parade was held today in downtown Pittsburgh and all the city has been abuzz since the team won on Sunday night. What a great time for Pittsburgh!

I personally think the Stones being at the Superbowl brought us luck :-) Great half-time show guys, everyone loved it! The tongue stage was the coolest.

I am off to Atlanta tomorrow morning at 6:40am, which means I need to get up at 3:30am to get ready and get to the airport. A 24 hour trip so as not to miss too much work. Can't wait!


Posted by blue_lena at 9:47 PM EST
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Sunday, 5 February 2006
Mood:  vegas lucky

Here we go Steelers, here we go! Let's get one for the thumb.

And good luck to the Stones at ya boys!

Posted by blue_lena at 2:24 PM EST
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Sunday, 22 January 2006
Off to Chicago for more Stones in 2006!
Mood:  happy
Ok, in 2 hours I leave for the airport to fly to Chicago. I will be seeing my first Stones shows of the New Year. The setlist changes have been fabulous so far with additions of "Love Is Strong", "Worried About You",
"Sway", "Let's Spend the Night Together", and of course Keith's brand new set of "This Place is Empty" and "Happy". I can't wait!

Only thing is, I'll be missing the Steelers vs. Broncos game because I'll be on the damn plane!


I want the STONES & the STEELERS at the Superbowl!!!!

Posted by blue_lena at 11:37 AM EST
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Saturday, 31 December 2005
2005 Comes To An End
Mood:  celebratory
Well, 2005 turned out to be a good year for the Stones and their fans. The new album and tour were just what we needed! It's time to make all those New Year's Resolutions we never keep, like losing weight, quitting smoking, etc. No plans for tonight, we usually just stay in and lay low on NYE. I am typically asleep before the ball even drops! Looking forward to more Stones in 2006 starting in Chicago in January at the United Center for two shows, then contemplating Vegas and LA. Europe is still in the cards, but I'm hoping the flight prices drop soon. Happy New Year to all the Stones/Keith fans out there! See ya on the road in '06!

Posted by blue_lena at 3:16 PM EST
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Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Mood:  bright
Off to Chicago for Christmas tomorrow morning until Dec. 26. I hope everyone has a great holiday and I look forward to seeing all of you on tour in 2006. First stop for me...back to Chicago for two shows at the United Center! Stay warm :)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by blue_lena at 9:30 PM EST
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Friday, 25 November 2005
After Stones and After Thanksgiving Blues
Mood:  lazy
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday yesterday. Hope you didn't get stuck in the middle of your travels due to the snowstorms in the midwest & east. I actually changed my plans from going to Thanksgiving at my parents house 4.5 hours east of here, due to being sick since I returned from the Calif. trip and also due to the weather.

We had about 2" of snow here yesterday and it was windy wit white-out conditions. Today the sun is shining, but the temp was 12 when I got up, with a windchill of 3! I don't remember having a White Thanksgiving, but here comes winter!

So, my Stones tour ended on Nov. 15 in San Francisco. And a great first leg of a tour it was! I think back to May 10 when the press conference was going on and everyone was freaking about tickets and I was kicking myself for not going to the press conference...who knew what great things would be in store?

I count my blessings for all the cool things that have taken place between Aug. 10, 2005 when I went to the Phoenix Club gig in Toronto to kick off the tour and Nov. 15 when my tour ended in San Francisco front row center at SBC Park. I gave Keith a scarf at the club gig. I got a guitar pick in return. I gave Keith a shirt in Toronto and he wore it into Pittsburgh my hometown. I got some great pictures of the Stones in Toronto, Philly & San Diego. I was backstage in the Rattlesnake Inn 7 times. I got to walk across the Stones stage at the Hollywood Bowl Nov. 6 before the show. I saw all of the Stones numerous times in person and talked to Keith, Charlie & Ronnie. I went to Ronnie's art show. I saw Bernard & Blondie sing at the Joint with Waddy Wachtel. I saw Tim Ries play two shows in LA & SF with Bernard & Michael Davis. I hung out with Keith's daughter Angela in Pittsburgh, DC, LA, San Diego & San Francisco. I ended up with probably about 10 guitar picks of Keith's-one is a rare one with Keith Richards printed on it. I also got one from Ronnie that Ronnie put into my hand at the B stage in DC. Also one front Blondie & one from Daryl. I got a custom made skull ring that says "Blue Lena + Keith" on the skull thanks to the generosity of Tony Creed at I saw 14 awesome Stones shows in 9 different cities and was in the front row 5 times...never farther than the 7th row.

SO I HAVE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!! Special thanks to BB, BC, TR, KR & TC for their kindness and generosity.

Looking forward to MORE STONES in 2006! Chicago is the start to my tour in the New Year...and then Las Vegas in March seems like a good bet.


Posted by blue_lena at 1:13 PM EST
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