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Thoughts on The Rolling Stones 2003-2024
Friday, 18 May 2018
Rolling Stones Croke Park Dublin, Ireland May 17, 2018
Mood:  chillin'

So, here we are again. The Stones are back to Europe on their No Filter Tour to play 14 dates which they began in Dublin at Croke Park last night. And yes, once again I am NOT on tour with the Stones. It ain't like the old days kids. Believe me, I'd love to be there, if I could afford to go. I cannot. I resent the fact that because I saw so many show on prior tours that certain folks take it upon themselves to ask things such as "Aren't you a fan anymore?" Fuck you! Yes, I am a fan, but I don't have $500+ for one ticket, nor do I have $1200 for a flight, or $250 for a hotel a night and then of course there is food. I'd venture to guess that ONE single show on this current tour would run me upwards of $2500. And these are for massive stadiums. I have not gone to Europe for the Stones since 2007, and frankly, that probably is/was "The Last Time" traveling to Europe for me until perhaps after I retire.

And so, I wish all my friends who have the means and the time to travel to Europe this May and June for multiple shows all the best. But, really, I am not all that bummed to miss it. I had such great experiences with the Stones between 1994-2015 that I fulfilled a lot of my dreams and I don't need to fork out $2500 for one show anymore to get that Satisfaction. I got it. And if I never get it again I'll survive.

Having said that, I would love to see the Stones at LEAST one more time here in the USA. I'd love to see them again at MSG in NYC, where I haven't seen them since 1998. So if another show is in my cards I'll be there. I have seen the Stones 81 times in 4 different countries. I've met the band members are various times. I was twice to a Stones soundcheck. I've gotten my pictures taken with Keith Richards TWICE. I am Satisfied. Really I am. And yes, I am STILL a fan, not less of one.

So, the boys head to London next for 2 shows, then Southhampton, Coventry, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Twickenham, Berlin, Marseille, Stuttgart, Prague and Warsaw. It's Only Rock n Roll, but I Still Like it...even if I am not there in person!



Posted by blue_lena at 4:04 PM EDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2017
Stones Announce No Filter European Tour 2017
Mood:  celebratory

On May 9th the Rolling Stones announced their 13 date European #StonesNoFilter Tour. Tickets are already on sale and going fast! No, I won't be joining my friends in Europe this time around, but wish everyone a fabulous and safe journey this Fall.

Ronnie Wood announced just yesterday, May 24, that he successfully had a lesion removed from his lung and is all clear for the Fall tour. Phew!

Keith is selling his Manhattan apartment, it's been on the market for a while at over 12 million, with no takers. He only bought the apartment a few years ago. Now he & Patti are auctioning the contents of the apartment for charities that benefit adults with developmental disabilities in their home state of Connecticut. 

As for me, my days of traveling abroad are most likely over and I'm OK with that. I have seen the Stones so far 82 times in 4 different countries, and I am grateful for that. I just don't have the funds to travel abroad anymore. I have spent the last 25 months worrying about the health and welfare of my aging parents and these days there are more important things on my plate than the Rolling Stones. I still love them dearly. And if anyone wants to finance my trip to Europe, I'm all for it Wink

For those of you who aren't aware, Ian Hunter, is my all time favorite musician next to Keith. I hold him in the same esteem as Keith. And, he is also on tour currently and I can see him about 10 times for the price of one Stones show. I just saw him 4 times, with my 5th show coming up on June 2. If you ever were a Mott The Hoople or Ian fan, you MUST go see Ian Hunter and the Rant Band, also about to begin a month log jaunt to Europe beginning early June. Ian turns 78 on June 3 and is still rocking as hard as the Stones. If you're a Stones fan, I guarantee you will love Ian Hunter and his fabulous Rant Band!

That's it from here, peace, love and rock n' roll kids! xo BL

Posted by blue_lena at 11:58 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Keith Shrine 20th Anniversary Updates In the Works
Mood:  celebratory

I hope that everyone has begun to browse the new updates to The Keith Shrine web page. I added a News Page where you can check back daily for your dose of Keef news. The homepage will tell you when the News link has been updated.

I also created a 20th Anniversary Page to recount the creation of the Keith Shrine and how it evolved over these past 20 years. You will also find that if you check back, more and more greetings and anniversary wishes will be added from Stones fans and Rolling Stones personnel.  Today I added a lovely photo from Keith's daughter, Angela, and her children Ava and Otto!

My friend, Andre, at Stones Planet Brazil featured The Keith Shrine on his radio show this past Monday June 27th and a link to download the show is available on the news page.

So far I have not commited to the Stones shows that have been announced, Desert Trip and Las Vegas. But, I am hoping to attend at least one or two shows in the fall if/when more dates are announced. I sure would love to see the Stones again at Madison Square Garden in NYC. The last (and only) time I saw them at MSG was in January 1998!

Time Waits for No One!


Posted by blue_lena at 7:30 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 June 2016 7:33 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Long Time, No Blog!
Mood:  celebratory

So, upon the invention of Facebook and my foray into the now popular world of social media back in 2007, it's been fairly obvious to fans and followers of the Rolling Stones and the Keith Shrine website that my webmaster duties had fallen by the wayside after the 50th Anniversary shows of 2012-2013.

Why? There is a Keith Shrine group and a Keith Shrine Page on Facebook. And boy, updating things there is SOOOOO much easier than doing HTML updates here on this old web page. I had been vowing to update The Keith Shrine web page since 2013...but ya know, procrastination is king. And, well, like I said, everything I would have posted here is right there on Facebook! If you wanna scroll back to 2007, on Facebook, I swear you'll be completely up to date with your Keith Richards news. Laughing

Not everyone, of course, is a member of Facebook...oh, did I mention The Keith Shrine is also on Twitter? But, again, maybe you are a die hard who just has refused to go the social media route and still sits in front of a desk top browsing the web for Stones news?

Ok, so, yesterday, I had an epiphany. Well, not really, but yesterday was the one year anniversary of the Rolling Stones playing my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA at Heinz Field and on that day I got to meet and hang out briefly with Keith (for the second time since 2006!). I also got a tour of all his guitars and a signed setlist from him that day. It was THE most amazing day ever, and I realized that there is NOTHING about that day on this web page. Sadly, yesterday on that one year anniversary, I was also attending the funeral of a Rolling Stones friend and fan, a dear, sweet lady named Harriet Bassler Argentiere.

And so, with all that in mind I decided to delve into opening the old Tripod/Lycos folders and updateing The Keith Shrine for 2016. After all, this year IS the 20th Anniversary of The Keith Shrine, Keith's longest running fan-based website since 1996!

So stay tuned for more Keith news, eventual updates of shows I attended 2012-15 and upcoming shows and news in 2016.




Blue Lena 

June 21, 2016

Posted by blue_lena at 3:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Happy New Keith Year 2011
Mood:  cool

I hope everyone is reading or has already read Keith's autobioraphy "LIFE". If not, grab yourself a copy-QUICK! It's a great read and not just for Stones prove it, it's still #4 on the best sellers list as of today Feb. 22, 2011.

No Stones news as of late, except that we may not see a tour until perhaps 2012.


Keith will be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie with a second Captian Teague appearance-comes out May 2011.


Johnny Depp is doing a documentary on Keith too, which definitely sounds interesting.


Thanks to everyone who continues to support The Keith Shrine, now in it's 14th year!!!!Cool  xx Blue Lena

Posted by blue_lena at 12:20 PM EST
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Friday, 8 January 2010

Hey all, it's been a while, but who knows 2010 could be a Stones tour year. Right now the Stones say it's not, but you never know, things could change and the band likes to keep everything under tight wraps until an official announcement date is set. So, I guess we can still keep our fingers crossed, afterall, the boys ain't getting any younger.


Thanks for your continued support of the Keith Shrine website! I appreciated all your visits, imput and emails in 2009!!!

Posted by blue_lena at 11:47 AM EST
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Friday, 3 August 2007
Canadian Radio Interview
Mood:  a-ok
On Sunday August 5 at 3:50pm ET I will be interviewed live on the radio for the Roy Green Show in Canada. The topic "Keith Richards' Autobiography". Tune in at:

Posted by blue_lena at 10:43 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007 10:54 AM EDT
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Sunday, 19 November 2006
Mood:  vegas lucky

Words cannot express my gratitude to Bill & Keith for their kindness.

I've been "HAPPY" for a solid week now. My smile has not faded. I love you both!

 Concert tickets for 2 shows $1000, 2 flights to AC & one flight to Vegas $500, 2 hotels in AC & 1 hotel in Vegas $900...getting my picture taken in Las Vegas with Keith Richards PRICELESS! Getting the photo autographed in Atlantic City...even more PRICELESS!!!


Posted by blue_lena at 12:59 AM EST
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Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Meeting Keith in Las Vegas
Mood:  happy
There's no time to lose, I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams
And you will lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?


I finally caught my dream on Saturday evening in Las Vegas, after waiting a mere 27 years! I was backstage at the MGM Grand and was allowed to go to the Wardrobe room to meet Keith Richards and get a few photos taken with him. It was a surreal and fantastic experience.

I had met Keith briefly on a few other occasions, the first being in Pittsburgh, PA in January 2002, and that was a thrill enough, getting a hug and kiss & a "thanks darling" from Keith in the lobby of the hotel. I also met him again in 2003 as he left for the SARS show and he grabbed my hand as he walked by, and then in 2005 in San Francisco Keith gave me another big hug & kiss backstage in the Rattlesnake Inn.

But Saturday night in Las Vegas was different. It was special because it was just me and Keith and Keith's security, Bill. If it wasn't for the kindness and generosity of Bill, this would have never taken place and I want to thank him from the bottom of my little Keith loving heart for all he's done for me this tour.

I was told at the "second" opening night in Boston back on Sept. 20, 2006 that I might get this opportunity to have my photo taken with Keith. So every show since then (6 times to be exact), I prepared for the possibility. It meant sneaking in a camera of course, and picking the right outfit...I mean I wanted to look good right? Well, for different reasons, things just didn't seem to work out show after show, so by Vegas, which was supposed to be my last show of this tour, except that Atlantic City got postponed, I had all but given up hope. I didn't wear anything special to Vegas, no cleavage or anything, LOL, just a new skull t-shirt I had gotten.

We were in the Rattlesnake Inn, but things were SO hectic, busy and crowded backstage. Time ticked away, and the prime time would have been after the boys finished playing snooker, but that time came & went, as did the meet n' greet, etc. Bonnie Raitt was finishing her opening set, which meant the Rattlesnake was closing, so my hopes faded away, but I made a last ditch call asking "Is there any hope?". To my surprise, I was asked where I was at the moment & within seconds I was at the doorway and whisked behind the curtain up the backstage hallway. We were walking fast, but things were in slow motion for me.

In a few seconds I entered the doorway of the room marked "Wardrobe", and was told to wait in the doorway. I did so, standing beside the cases filled with the band's stage clothing. Jo Wood walked in carrying 4 hangers of Ronnie's t-shirts. I didn't speak to anyone who passed. I just waited. I wasn't nervous. Maybe I was in shock.

I was told to get my camera ready, so I turned it on, but it has a 1 minute shut off if left idle. So, it shut off as soon as Keith came around the corner, looking just fucking fantastic and ever the pirate with a huge smile, and gave me a big hug. Bill introduced us again, and I gave Keith a red, white and black skull scarf, which he hung around his neck. I thanked Keith for letting me see him and he said "Thank YOU, you keep on giving, and all I do is accept." Keith was all smiles, genuine, friendly, cool, sweet, everything you'd imagine he'd be. He grabbed me and pulled me close and Bill asked how to turn on my camera and then he took a few photos of us. I didn't even notice until afterwards that Keith wore his sunglasses for the first one, and then took them off for the second...but I do remember him leaning his head against mine. Then a woman snapped a photo of me, Bill and Keith together and when I lined up next to them, Keith said "You get in the middle" and I said "I'll be happy to be in the middle". I just couldn't stop smiling. But, funny, either could Keith. I told him I'd been waiting for this since I was 12 years old and then thinking of the song "Far Away Eyes" said "Thank You Jesus, Thank You Lord" and Keith laughed and said "Don't thank them!" to which I replied "Thank you Keith!". Then the 3 of us walked out of wardrobe, down the hall together to Camp X-Ray, where Keith said goodbye and I said thanks for the 10th time to both Keith and Bill. I remember watching Keith duck into Camp X-Ray and then peak his head out again and smile at me. I think I floated out of the backstage area to where my friends were waiting in the hallway.

I couldn't believe the photos came out so well, I couldn't have asked for better shots! Not a lot of words were spoken between us, but the emotion and the happiness and Keith's genuine spirit could truly be felt. He really did touch my heart.

Again, my heartfelt thanks to both Bill and Keith for allowing me this opportunity of a lifetime. I love you both! Tears came to my eyes a few times that night during a stellar performance by the Stones, especially when Keith sang my favoirte song of his...

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Hey babe, what's in your eyes?
I saw them flashing like airplane lights
You fill my cup, babe, that's for sure
I must come back for a little more

You got my heart you got my soul
You got the silver you got the gold
You got the diamonds from the mine
Well that's all right, it'll buy some time

Tell me, honey, what will I do
When I'm hungry and thirsty too
Feeling foolish, and that's for sure
Just waiting here at your kitchen door?

Hey baby, what's in your eyes?
Is that the diamonds from the mine?
What's that laughing in your smile?
I don't care, no, I don't care

Oh babe, you got my soul
You got the silver, you got the gold
It's just your love, just leave me blind
I don't care, no, that's no big surprise

Posted by blue_lena at 9:52 PM EST
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Sunday, 29 October 2006
Boy Did We Get Screwed
Mood:  irritated
(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

She saw me coming
She saw me coming, yeah
She saw me coming
I didn't see a thing
I wasn't looking
I just walked into it
A sucker for it, I'm a sucker
Thought I was so cool
She saw me coming
Boy did I get screwed... yeah!

Maybe they saw me coming? Who knows. Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall was to be my first indoor small arena gig since last March in Vegas. And, it was the night after my birthday, so how much more fun could it be?

Well, the show got cancelled 6 hours before showtime. WHAT??? Postponed really, but that doesn't helps things. It doesn't take care of the almost $2000 on my credit card paid for 4 tickets at $475 each, or the $200 airfare to travel to Atlantic City, or the $200 hotel room, or the food, drinks, gambling...we didn't have to spend had we known we weren't going to get a show. My friend Elizabeth flew in from California for God's sake. My other friend Susan drove down from Alexandria, VA and my friend Isabel flew from Chicago. And then there were the folks who came from Holland, Germany, Japan, etc. I feel even worse for them.

I know shit happens. I have had cancelled shows before. During the Licks tour I flew to Amsterdam and of course couldn't return for the new date. But this was the most unlikely of shows to get cancelled and I think it had less to do with Mick's voice and more to do with Clinton's bash and the Scorcese filming. I'm not blaming Mick or anything, but those who were listening to rehearsals just the other night said he was in fine voice. In my opinion, the only reason this show was cancelled was because of stupid Clinton's Beacon show on the 29th and the fact that Scorcese is filming those shows and yes, Mick HAS to be in good voice for those shows. Those shows, could not be cancelled. AC could. Painful news, since we are not going to the Beacon shows.

So, there we were having a blast the night of my b-day. Then on the 27th at 2pm we were having lunch at Sonsie across from Boardwalk Hall at the Pier and my phone rang with Susan on the other end saying "I have some bad news for you..." and immediately by the tone of her voice I thought to myself "please don't say they are cancelling this show"...but that was what she said. We were stunned.

The Stones had not played Boardwalk Hall since 1989. This show was sold out, it was hyped all over town, it was in every paper, on billboards, the media in NJ was out in full force. Casinos were hosting parties and contests to win tickets. the whole town was abuzz. How could it happen here?

We walked back up the Boardwalk in shock, calling others to pass on the news. Many people were still enroute to AC. Some people arrived at the venue ay 7pm only to find the cancelled sign posted on the door to the venue. One guy was quoted in the paper as saying "When I see Mick Jagger I'm going to kick his ass!".

Once we got over the initial shock, there was nothing left to do but...drink. LOL. So we bought some beer and Elizabeth and I went to party with our friends Susan, Isabel, Ed & Debbie in their room. Later E & I went to happy hour at the Blue Martini at Bally's. Lost more money. Then we met up with everyone again at the Atlantic City Bar & Grille where were partied the night away & commiserated with fellow fans until 2am.

The new date was announced almost immediately, which also led me to believe that they knew about this cancellation earlier than we think they knew. Now, since this is rescheduled for Nov. 17, and there is an LA show on the seems the LA show will get pushed back a few days, which will piss those people off too.

Well, what can ya do? Shit happens. And you can't blame this one on Keith!

Posted by blue_lena at 11:53 AM EDT
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